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24 Things to Declutter Before You Move

Moving is a great time to tackle a major decluttering effort in your home. 

If you have a move coming up in the next month or two, you can drastically reduce the amount of stuff you haul along with you by focusing on decluttering items from the 24 categories listed below!

24 Things to Declutter Before You Move!

The purpose of this list is to help you focus on the the EASY stuff. Easy things to declutter will be faster for you to make decisions about. All it takes is action! 

If your move is less than two months away, then it is best to focus on the areas in your home where you can achieve the biggest bang for your buck. Your goal is to reduce the amount of stuff that you have to move with you to your next home. This is save you both time and money on moving day!


A note of Caution!

Now is NOT the time to dive into decluttering sentimental items, mementos, photos, collections, heirlooms, or unsorted stacks of paper.

Moving is stressful enough as it is! These items are significantly more time consuming to sort through. When facing a time crunch, it is better to spend your time where you can be more efficient. 

If you come across sentimental belongings, just pack 'em up and take them with you for now! You can tackle them at your destination :)


So where should you start first? Let's dive in to detail about the 24 items that you can easily declutter NOW before the moving truck arrives!

Note: If you'd like to see the quick list, jump down to the bottom for a brief summary.




Start with the biggest things in your home: your furniture! These items are usually the largest, heaviest, most time consuming and most expensive things to move. Furniture takes up lots of space on the moving truck and is awkward to maneuver.

Now is your chance to evaluate your furniture and decide which items really deserve a spot on the moving truck:

1. Poor quality or worn out furniture

If it's already in bad shape, or poorly constructed, ask yourself this question: Will it survive the journey to your new home? Is it worth your time, energy, and money to move this item if it might fall apart on the way there? 

What to do with it: Depending on the condition of the item, you can list it for sale, or offer it up for free to a free-cycle group or charity, or consider hiring a junk removal service to take it away.

2. Excess or unnecessary furniture

The table in the basement that you've kept all these years, even though you already bought a new one. The piano that no one plays. The old bookshelf you want to refinish, but haven't had time to do yet.

Take a walk through your home and consider each piece. Is there anything that you don't like anymore? Don't use anymore? 

If you are moving to a smaller space than you have now, unfortunately you might not have room for all of the furniture that you own! Even if you don't know where you are moving to yet, it will be helpful to consider in advance if you are willing to let go of some furniture. For example, you might have a large bedroom now with space for 2 dressers and an armchair, but your new room might only have enough space for the bed and bedside tables only.

What to do with it:  Sell or take to a furniture consignment store


Around the House


3. Plain glass flower vases

Glass flower vases are one of those items that tend to accumulate. Every time you buy or receive a flower arrangement, there is usually a new vase along with it! These are inexpensive to replace, so it's easy to let these go!

What to do with it: Donate to charity, or fill with flowers and give away as gifts!

4. House plants 

House plants are tricky to take with you when you move. They are difficult to pack and might not survive the journey. You may not be able to take them with you if you are going far! 

Pick your absolute favourites to bring with you, but consider decluttering any that are in poor condition or too awkward to move.

What to do with it: Give to friends, family, or a neighbour. No takers? Compost it in your green bin.

5. Cleaning Supplies

It's true that you will need cleaning supplies to do a final clean sweep of the house after you've moved out, and you will also need cleaning supplies to get your new living space squeaky clean when you arrive.

However, chances are you don't need ALL of the supplies that have accumulated in the cupboard over the years. Almost-empty bottles, products you tried and only used once, and perhaps some specialty cleaning products for things you don't even own anymore! (like the suede shoe cleaner meant for the boots you donated last year??)

It's also important to note that moving companies might not permit certain items to be loaded on their moving truck. Some cleaning supplies and household chemicals may fall into the category.

What to do with it:  Use up the rest before you move, and recycle the empty bottles. Give away the stuff you don't use. Donate to charity things like extra mops, buckets or vacuums that are still in working order. For chemical products, take it to the nearest hazardous waste drop-off facility (this may be the local fire station or a specially marked area at the landfill). DO NOT toss cleaning chemicals in the garbage!

6. Dried up pens and markers 

When was the last time you reached in the junk drawer and pulled out a pen that didn't work? Chances are you've got lots of those lurking in drawers and pen holders around the house. This is an easy task to do in a few minutes. Gather up all the pens and markers in the house, grab a scrap sheet of paper, and test them out while watching your favourite TV show. If it's dried up, toss it!

What to do with it:  Trash or recycle, where available

7. Unfinished craft projects 

Do you have an unfinished project sitting around? Take a look at it and consider if you have the time and desire to finish it. Mountains of craft supplies for a hobby you no longer do regularly? Time to donate!

What to do with it:  Recycle, free-cycle, give to another crafter, donate


Look On the Shelf


8. Magazines

It’s amazing how quickly magazines can accumulate in the home, especially if you are like me and you have good intentions to go back and flip through them again someday… but that someday never seems to come! Moving is a great time to let these magazines go. If it’s more than a year old, it’s a good candidate for the recycle bin.

What to do with it: Recycle

9. Textbooks

Do you have a box or a shelf filled with old heavy university text books? These are great items to recycle or donate before you move. These can be a bit hard to let go of if you think you might need them again someday, but if you haven’t opened it since you graduated, consider letting go of a few.

What to do with it: Take back to your university or college if they have a textbook donation program, or recycle

10. VHS and cassette tapes

If you haven't moved in the last 15 years, chances are good you still have some of these in your basement! Some charities do accept these as donations, but not all of them do. Reach out to the charities in your community, or post in your neighbourhood Facebook group to see if there is a place that accepts these nearby.

What to do with it: Donate


In The Closet


11. Clothing and shoes that you don't wear

From the well worn sweaters stuffed at the back of the closet, to the brand new items you've only worn once. Are you sure you want to bring all these things with you?

For well-worn items that show evidence of wear & tear, consider using these as packing material for wrapping breakables when you move! They can become cleaning rags when you get to your destination, or donate to charities that accept worn textiles for recycle.

What to do with it: Consider dropping off the like-new items at your local consignment store or clothing donation centre.

12. Clothing that is the wrong size

Sometimes the decision to declutter clothing is made even easier if the item simply doesn’t fit! If the item is too small or uncomfortable, it is probably time to let it go.

What to do with it: Donate, or to take to a clothing consignment store.


In the Bathroom


13. Expired medications

Expired prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines tend to accumulate in the back of bathroom cabinets and drawers. Now’s the time to clear them out!

Expired medications can be taken to your local pharmacy for proper disposal. Never throw old pills in the garbage or flush them down the toilet!

Ask your pharmacy about their policies for accepting old medications. Some will accept them in the original packaging, while others may require that you empty pills into a clear plastic bag and recycle the bottles separately.

Remember to remove the all identification labels from pill bottles before you put them in the recycle bin.

What to do with it: Take medication to a pharmacy for disposal. Recycle plastic pill bottles and packaging.

14. Makeup, bath and body products

Makeup and bath & body products have a shelf life, after which the quality may deteriorate or they may become a health hazard due to bacteria growth (ewww). If you haven't used the product in the last 6 months to a year, definitely consider tossing it out now. 

What to do with it: Garbage, recycle packaging whenever possible

Note: Beware of tossing old nail polish in the garbage! In many cities, nail polish is considered a hazardous waste product (along with paint and household chemicals) and therefore it requires special disposal. Gather your nail polish bottles up with your other hazardous waste items for delivery to an appropriate location. 


In the Garage and Basement


15. Old cans of paint

Did you know that some moving companies won't transport opened cans of paint? Check with your moving company about their policy regarding paint and other household chemicals. If you have leftover paint that matches the house, consider leaving it behind for the new owners so that they can use it for touch-ups.

What to do with it: Take to a hazardous waste disposal facility in your area

16. Old cardboard boxes

You might be thinking - “But wait! I can use those for packing!” - however, cardboard does deteriorate over time. If your boxes have been stored in your basement for a long time, there’s a chance that the box might not be sturdy enough to protect your belongings during the move. Consider recycling these and getting new ones for the move, or ask your moving company if they offer re-usable moving boxes for rent!

What to do with it: Recycle

17. Outdated appliances and electronics

Do you have old appliances hanging around in the basement or garage? Take a look at the spare fridge, deep freeze, dehumidifier, blender, toaster, grill, barbecue. If it’s older than 10 years or you don’t use it regularly (or it’s the old “spare” that has already been replaced with a newer model!) it may not be worth moving.

Consider making an agreement during the sale of your home to leave big appliances behind for the new owners. (The extra fridge, bbq, deep freeze, etc). Smaller items can be donated or taken to an electronic recycling location.

What to do with it: Donate or recycle

18. Expired batteries

While you are sorting out your old electronics you might come across plenty of dead batteries! Gather these up as you go so that you can recycle them all at once.

What to do with it: Take to a facility that accepts batteries for recycle (Staples, Best Buy)

19. Old, really old, financial records

Do you have a box of papers filed away in your basement or attic that contains tax documents from the 1980s? (I know many of you do!!). Admittedly it can be time consuming to shred all of these papers, but it does need to be done eventually. If you start shredding a few file folders of paper a day, it can all be gone before moving day!

What to do with it: Shred it


In the Kitchen


Depending on how far away you are moving, it might not be practical (or possible) to transport food items with you. If you are hiring a moving company, check what their policies are on this topic.  

20. Freezer burnt food & mystery leftovers

About a month or two before you move, do an inventory of all the food in your freezer, especially if you have an extra freezer in the garage or basement. Now is the time to start using up these items! Mystery leftovers and freezer burnt items can be tossed out in your compost green bin. Consider creating a meal plan schedule to use up the rest of the items before you move.

What to do with it: Compost / green bin

21. Condiments in the refrigerator

In the final week before you move, do a full clean-out of your refrigerator. Those expired salad dressings and condiments lurking at the back have got to go! Try to use up what you have for the next week rather than buying new groceries. If you are planning to transfer the contents of your fridge & freezer to your new home (assuming it's a short distance away), be sure you have coolers and ice ready to go for moving day! 

What to do with it: Compost / green bin / garbage

22. Unused items in your pantry

This is a great time to evaluate the dry goods and canned pantry items that may have been lurking on a back shelf for a while! Pantry items that haven’t passed their “best before” date can be used up or donated to the food bank. Toss expired stuff and old spices into the green bin / compost or garbage. Recycle the cans and jars and cardboard boxes.  

What to do with it: Donate eligible items to the food bank


Backyard and Outdoor


23. Lumber, firewood, and leftover building supplies

You might have leftover lumber and building supplies from renovation projects, or a pile of firewood if you have a fire pit in your backyard. These items are great candidates to sell / donate / dispose of in the weeks before you move.

Similar to leftover cans of paint, you could consider leaving behind some leftover renovation materials for the new home owners in case they could use it for repairs. But unless if you already have a potential use for it at your new home, it’s best not to bring these types of items with you when you move!

What to do with it: Give to friends / neighbours, advertise for sale, take to the dump

24. Lawn and gardening tools

Will your new home have the same lawn care and gardening requirements as your current home? Your lawnmower, gardening tools, and snow blower might not be needed if you are moving to a condo or town house with managed outdoor property care.

What to do with it: Sell or donate

Quick Summary: The Master List

24 Things to Declutter Before You Move!

  1. Poor quality or worn out furniture

  2. Excess or unnecessary furniture

  3. Plain glass flower vases

  4. House plants

  5. Cleaning Supplies

  6. Dried up pens and markers

  7. Unfinished craft projects 

  8. Magazines and books

  9. Textbooks

  10. VHS and cassette tapes

  11. Clothing and shoes that you don't wear

  12. Clothing that is the wrong size

  13. Expired medications

  14. Makeup, bath and body products

  15. Paint and household chemicals

  16. Old boxes

  17. Outdated appliances or electronics

  18. Expired batteries

  19. Old financial records

  20. Freezer burnt food & mystery leftovers in the deep freeze

  21. Condiments in the refrigerator

  22. Unused items in your pantry

  23. Lumber and firewood

  24. Lawn and gardening tools

I hope this list is helpful to you in preparing for your next move. If you can think of someone else who might find this list helpful, please forward this page along to them!

What if you are not actually moving anytime soon? This is list still a great place to start tackling clutter in your home, even if you are staying put!

Good Luck!!

- Amanda



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